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Schedule for First Student Days

We will have a staggered start time and staggered end time the first two days of school so that we can provide an orientation for our incoming 9th grade class AND have class meetings with each grade level - 10, 11 and 12. These class meetings are important and give us the opportunity to talk to the whole class and for them to re-engage with each other. This also offers our 9th grade students time to acclimate to the building.

Read More about Schedule for First Student Days
August Letter to Families

Welcome to the 24/25 school year! I hope you all have had a wonderful summer and feel rested and re-energized for a new year. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back and meeting new students and families. We have several new staff members joining us this year; I know each of them will add to our current strong and engaging staff. This letter contains a great deal of information as we start a new school year.

Read More about August Letter to Families