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Our curriculum offerings reflect the core values of lifelong learning, equity, achievement, diversity and success. Students are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities Portland High School has to offer. We are proud of our students as they continue the Bulldog legacy of leaving their mark on the world.

Course Catalog

The high school years provide students an opportunity to develop a framework for their future. Whether our students choose college, the military or the workforce, the information contained in our Course Selection Guide will help students make the right decisions regarding their academic needs and interests:

Click Here To view 2023-2024 COURSE Catalog

When choosing your high school classes, it is important to consider many factors including teacher recommendations, parent approval, high school graduation credits, course prerequisites, and career and college aspirations. Portland High School counselors can provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students.

Contact the guidance office

Academic Honesty

As our global world becomes more interconnected, and our students have increasing access to online learning platforms and instantaneous information sharing, we believe that teaching students the importance of academic honesty is an integral part of our work at Portland High School. This work includes providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to ensure the integrity of their academic work, as well as understanding the consequences of academic dishonesty in high school and beyond. In every course, PHS teachers review basic definitions and expectations around plagiarism and cheating and provide students with common “pitfalls” in their content area. Our library staff also serves as a central resource for students about how to appropriately and effectively use resources to enhance their learning, research, and projects.